Special Announcement: How Marquee Can Help

As we all cope in the current environment, Marquee may be able to help support your business during these difficult times.

Our team has grown and has tremendous expertise in financial modeling and data sciences, including Excel, Python, VBA and Power BI, and we can assist remotely in the following ways:

Modeling Consulting / Data Science Support

  • Marquee can provide additional resources to support existing projects, or to develop new automated modeling and data tools.
  • Help Desk: Marquee can offer remote support to your team to help them through difficult tasks and various other technical challenges.

Remote Training and Coaching

  • We have full remote training capabilities and all upcoming Marquee training courses will now take place in webinar format.
  • Additionally, we continue to offer webinar-based small group and one-on-one coaching. The content, timing and duration of this coaching can be completely flexible and customizable.

If you would like to be in touch, please contact us at info@marqueegroup.ca