Infrastructure Portfolio Company Modeling


This course reviews project economic concepts and focuses on the skills required to design and create a model to help finance professionals evaluate an investment in an infrastructure portfolio company using a holding company structure. Participants will create a model of an electric utility, however, the course is relevant for an investment in any type of infrastructure portfolio company. The course material includes model design, logic, construction, and accounting treatment. Various intermediate and advanced Excel tools along with helpful keyboard shortcuts will also be covered throughout the course.


Participants should have a basic working knowledge of Excel and the infrastructure sector prior to taking this course.


16 hours

Learning Topics

Power Generation Asset Modeling

  • Incorporate key revenue and cost drivers for hydro and natural gas generation assets
  • Build up detailed assumptions sections for plant CAPEX and capacity calculations

Design and Structure a Financial Model

  • Design a clear and logical financial model
  • Create defined inputs and assumptions

Incorporate Advanced Capital Structure Features

  • Build a detailed Sources and Uses schedule to understand the acquisition and sources of investment funding
  • Layer in Financing Structure for the transaction

Build Powerful Scenarios and Financial Statements

  • Use switches to create effective scenarios and value drivers
  • Forecast and build-up the generation assets’ revenues and expenses
  • Design and incorporate the infrastructure company’s income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement
  • Construct all necessary schedules
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