Excel 2: Advanced Data Analysis
This session covers advanced level Excel topics that are required to manage and
analyze data. This hands-on course is intended for anyone who uses Excel
extensively and who is already comfortable with the skills that were taught in “Excel 1: Core Data Analysis”. Assignments, handouts and examples will be
used throughout the day.
Participants should take "Excel 1: Core Data Analysis" or have strong Excel skills prior to taking this course.
8 hours
Learning Topics
Database Functions
- Use Excel’s Database functions so that Excel can be used instead of Microsoft Access
- Learn common uses for the Database functions, some of the most underutilized tools in Excel
Static and Dynamic Naming
- Discuss the rationale for using Static Names when building formulas
- Learn to create Dynamic Named Ranges, one of the most powerful concepts in Excel which allows users to automatically update graphs, Lookup functions and Pivot Tables
Table Tool
- Learn to create a Table (previously known as a List) to manage and analyze data
- Use Structured Reference functions to perform powerful calculations on a dataset
Lookup Functions
- Use some of Excel’s more advanced Lookup functions, including the INDEX function, and learn helpful applications for their use
Conditional Formatting
- Use advanced conditional formatting tools to enhance the caliber of analytical output
Securing Data
- Review Excel’s security features, including some lesser-known techniques to protect a spreadsheet
- Use Excel’s Data Validation tool to restrict a cell’s contents
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